Zillya! Internet Security includes all possible types of Internet security. The product has a user-friendly interface and support service for all users. Very low RAM usage. It has a built-in mail-filter, real-time scanner of processes, firewall, web filter, as well as other modules. Also built-in heuristic analysis allows detection of new and unknown malware. It really able to protect your computer from viruses and hacking.
Xfire Password Recovery Software
VIPRE® Internet Security combines next-generation antivirus and anti-spyware technologies with a bi-directional firewall and spam and web filtering for all-in-one protection against malware. VIPRE was built from scratch with all-new technologies that optimize your PC’s overall performance — even when updating or running a scan.
Simple-to-use and easy-to-install, LightLogger runs undetected by most users, recording keystrokes in any web page or program, plus web sites visited, clipboard clips, and applications opened. LightLogger can even take screen shots at intervals and file sizes you choose. Only a customizable hot-key combination and password permit access to LightLogger and its logs.
HDD Safeguard is a portable software that allows you to protect your private files with a password for the entire removable drive using the secure AES 256 bits key. It protects data with a password for the entire portable storage device (HDD hard drive, USB flash drive, SSD, etc.) and not just for an virtual partition. Once the drive is locked, one cannot read nor write any data to it without the correct password! No requires installation.
Sticky Password is a handy password manager and online form filler. Sticky Password efficiently creates and organizes passwords, and provides automatic login, one-click form filling, storage for personal data, and even basic collaboration functionality for small groups.
Safari Password Recovery Software
Spy Patrol - new version of the spy software is released! Spy Patrol records in stealth mode all the keystrokes typed, passwords, websites visited, chats etc. and takes screen shots of the active windows. Spy Patrol records all the user passwords (including the system logon password!). Spy Patrol captures the emails sent and received, and the messenger conversations are recorded as well! See more at www.spy-patrol.com
SealPath is a cloud solution that protects your documents wherever they are and allows you to share them conveniently and securely. With the application, you have full control of document permissions in real time, even after sharing them.
The best tool to enumerate and fetch all stored Wi-Fi credentials., Created by Michael Haephrati, founder of Secured Globe, Inc. in New York. The Wi-Fi Credentials Viewer starts scanning any stored Wi-Fi networks credentials right after it starts. After less than a second, you should see a list of all credentials. When Wi-Fi Credentials Viewer starts, you should see a pop up message indicating the name of report .txt file generated.
Norton Security Scan does show you the security status of your computer, but it does not actually fix any problem besides removing suspicious cookies. Instead, it recommends Norton products to solve security-related issues, Therefore, it must not be used as a permanent protection solution.
Iperius Backup is one of the best free backup software, also released in commercial editions for those who need advanced backup features for their companies. The freeware version of Iperius Backup allows you to backup to any mass storage device, such as NAS, external USB hard drives, RDX drives, and networked computers. It has comprehensive scheduling and e-mail sending functions. It supports zip compression with no size limit, incremental backup, network authentication and the execution of external scripts and programs.
Kaspersky anti-virus te protege de los sitios de Phishing y Malware que de lo contrario no sabes intentaban robar de ti. Al mismo tiempo, la red de seguridad Kaspersky permite su equipo informe cuando descubre una amenaza que no ha sido vista antes. Todos los usuarios de Kaspersky 250 millones se benefician de nuestros conocimientos combinados! Kaspersky incluye: protege contra virus, troyanos, gusanos, spyware, adware analiza archivos, correo electrónico y internet tráfico protege instantánea mensajeros protege de desconocidos amenazas analiza y cierra las vulnerabilidades de Internet Explorer desactiva enlaces a sitios de malware / sitios de "phishing" bloques de monitoreo de amenaza Global (red de seguridad Kaspersky) todos los tipos de keyloggers automática la base de datos las actualizaciones gratis soporte Nota técnica: se trata de una versión comercial de prueba de 30 días.