Encrypt your personal data so they are not readable by third party. ProtectX uses secure Encryption (AES-256). The cleaner removes redundant and absolete files and deletes internet trails left on your system. Edit your RTF or DOC files and save them encrypted. Your confidential documents are not readable by third party. Secure delete files so they are not restorable.
Easily and securely keep track of all your Passwords! AuthPass is a stand alone password manager with support for the popular Keepass (kdbx 3.x AND kdbx 4.x ) format. Store your passwords, share across all your devices and easily find them whenever you need to login. * All your passwords in one place. * Generate secure random passwords for each of your accounts. * Available on Android, iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Windows, Linux.
Zer0 is a user friendly file deletion tool with a high level of security. With Zer0, you'll be able to delete files and to prevent file recovery by a 3rd person. So far, no user reported an efficient method to recover a file deleted by Zer0.
FlashFXP Password Recovery Software
iAlertU is a very useful alarm system for your Apple MacBook computer. Basically iAlertU is a car alarm for your Mac. iAlertU uses the built in sudden motion sensor (SMS) device to detect movement of your MacBook and triggers an audible and visual alarm. The alarm can also be triggered by keyboard and mouse/trackpad movement.
Meebo Messenger Password Recovery Software
Clawsmail Password Decryptor is a free tool to instantly recover all your stored passwords from Claws Mail email client.
docLock allows you to select the files, folders, documents, photos, video’s, Zip files, PDF’s and other files you wish to lock and password protect. Secure only the files you wish to keep safe. docLock allows you to share any locked file via email, disk or portable drive with a friend as long as they have the password you created. Feel confident the recipient will be the only one able to access the file.
With Cryper you can encrypt single files or even complete directories. An easy workflow with a maximum of security, that what Cryper offers. Only a few clicks are necessary to feel save and the best, you can test it for free.
milkInk – power steganography program.Program allow to compress some file, to insert it in image,crypt this file with 32bytes AES and save this image with the hidden,inserting file.On the other hand you can extract hidden file from image and save it.
TrillianPasswordDecryptor is the FREE software to instantly recover account passwords stored by Trillian or Trillian Astra.
Iperius Backup is one of the best free backup software, also released in commercial editions for those who need advanced backup features for their companies. The freeware version of Iperius Backup allows you to backup to any mass storage device, such as NAS, external USB hard drives, RDX drives, and networked computers. It has comprehensive scheduling and e-mail sending functions. It supports zip compression with no size limit, incremental backup, network authentication and the execution of external scripts and programs.
Kaspersky anti-virus te protege de los sitios de Phishing y Malware que de lo contrario no sabes intentaban robar de ti. Al mismo tiempo, la red de seguridad Kaspersky permite su equipo informe cuando descubre una amenaza que no ha sido vista antes. Todos los usuarios de Kaspersky 250 millones se benefician de nuestros conocimientos combinados! Kaspersky incluye: protege contra virus, troyanos, gusanos, spyware, adware analiza archivos, correo electrónico y internet tráfico protege instantánea mensajeros protege de desconocidos amenazas analiza y cierra las vulnerabilidades de Internet Explorer desactiva enlaces a sitios de malware / sitios de "phishing" bloques de monitoreo de amenaza Global (red de seguridad Kaspersky) todos los tipos de keyloggers automática la base de datos las actualizaciones gratis soporte Nota técnica: se trata de una versión comercial de prueba de 30 días.