WinTrezur image viewer for Microsoft Windows with strong encryption support. WinTrezur stores images and other files in encrypted archives. Direct on-the-fly decryption and preview of protected images.
Do you want to delete some top secret files? DON'T do that by only pressing DELETE, because the data would still be on your drive! Use Turbo Shredder and be sure that nobody can read your data.
AES File Encrypt by PNaCl sandbox. So safely. Encrypt mode is CBC. Key is derived by PBKDF2. It is convenient to transfer in internet. Because you can recommend this software for sandbox. PNaCL ToraTora can't access local disk on your PC. Chrome apps with no special privileges can accsess http file. But don't worry, I will not access http file.
Mince is an easy to use and very reliable text encryption tool. It encrypts a textfile to another (scrambled) one, and adds its own extension to it. Because this new file is also merely a textfile, you can send it as an attachement in an e-mail message.
Savage Erazor is a user friendly application which will help you purge your hard disk by deleting useless files like temporary data and obsolete logs. You can also clean up directories before archiving them.
NotaBene is a freeform textual database program. It is 'freeform' insofar that there are no forms to fill in, with their various 'fields'--you just enter your text as you want, and create new lines as appropriate to your needs. In fact, you don't even need to consider the 'database' aspect at all--this is all handled by the program. A strong feature of the program is the option to protect your information with data-encryption and a password.
Kruptos 2 Go is password protection tool for your USB Drive which protects your privacy and important data from data theft, data loss or leaks. Just drag and drop your files and folders into Kruptos 2 Go's encrypted Vault and they will immediately be password protected which prevents your important data from being modified, read or even accessed without the correct password.
Iperius Backup is one of the best free backup software, also released in commercial editions for those who need advanced backup features for their companies. The freeware version of Iperius Backup allows you to backup to any mass storage device, such as NAS, external USB hard drives, RDX drives, and networked computers. It has comprehensive scheduling and e-mail sending functions. It supports zip compression with no size limit, incremental backup, network authentication and the execution of external scripts and programs.
Kaspersky anti-virus te protege de los sitios de Phishing y Malware que de lo contrario no sabes intentaban robar de ti. Al mismo tiempo, la red de seguridad Kaspersky permite su equipo informe cuando descubre una amenaza que no ha sido vista antes. Todos los usuarios de Kaspersky 250 millones se benefician de nuestros conocimientos combinados! Kaspersky incluye: protege contra virus, troyanos, gusanos, spyware, adware analiza archivos, correo electrónico y internet tráfico protege instantánea mensajeros protege de desconocidos amenazas analiza y cierra las vulnerabilidades de Internet Explorer desactiva enlaces a sitios de malware / sitios de "phishing" bloques de monitoreo de amenaza Global (red de seguridad Kaspersky) todos los tipos de keyloggers automática la base de datos las actualizaciones gratis soporte Nota técnica: se trata de una versión comercial de prueba de 30 días.