Multimedia OwnerGuard is the ultimate Digital Rights Management (DRM), Security, Copy Protection, Licensing and Distribution Management solution for Adobe Flash…
mvCentral is a Music Videos plugin for MediaPortal which scans your Music Video collection and searches the metadata online using…
Blue Cat's Widening Parametr'EQ is a 7 bands parametric Mid-Side equalizer based on Blue Cat's Parametr'EQ algorithms, enabling you to…
PitchFunk is an audio plugin that allows you to manipulate your sounds by providing a wide range of crunching effects.…
Spring Reverb also has new features such as a fully automatable Shake control that will shake the virtual strings around…
OGGResizer is a powerful and easy-to-use utility to compress OGG Vorbis files. A wide selection of bitrates and a preview…
Friendly interface allows you to perform lots of different operations in easy way.You can use Power Audio Editor to record…
The Blue Cat's Stereo Phaser plug-in was designed to be the stereo version of the original analog-style Phaser effect. With…
If you’re serious about using a software metronome as a practicing tool,then this is the right thing for you! The…