Resultados de la búsqueda - GNU

DiskCryptor 1.1.846.118

DiskCryptor 1.1.846.118 versión gratuita 3706 

DiskCryptor is the only truly free solution, provided under GNU General Public License (GPLv3), which offers encryption of all disk…

Smoothwall 3.1

Smoothwall 3.1 versión gratuita 3632 

SmoothWall Express is an open source firewall distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating system. Linux is the ideal choice for…

Smoothwall x64 3.1

Smoothwall x64 3.1 versión gratuita 3830 

SmoothWall Express is an open source firewall distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating system. Linux is the ideal choice for…

winLAME 2019 Release 1

winLAME 2019 Release 1 versión gratuita 5432 

winLAME is an encoder for several audio formats, including mp3 (MPEG Layer 3), Ogg Vorbis and more. winLAME lets you…

LameXP 4.18 B2240

LameXP 4.18 B2240 versión gratuita 3452 

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public…

Audacity for Windows 2.3.3

Audacity for Windows 2.3.3 versión gratuita 4210 

Audacity is free software, developed by a group of volunteers and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Audacity…

GNUMP3d 3.0

GNUMP3d 3.0 versión gratuita 3655 

GNUMP3d is a streaming server for MP3s, OGG vorbis files, movies and other media formats. It is designed to be:…

Ant Movie Catalog

Ant Movie Catalog versión gratuita 3445 

Ant Movie Catalog is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program made to manage your collection…

Frinika 0.8.1

Frinika 0.8.1 versión gratuita 3573 

Frinika is a free (licensed under GNU GPL) complete music workstation software containing sequencer, midi support, soft synthesizers, audio recorder,…

Magnus Choir VST VST3 Audio Unit 2.5

Magnus Choir VST VST3 Audio Unit 2.5  5001 

Magnus Choir is a virtual instrument which can be used to create natural and synthetic choirs. The male and female…

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